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Odin Shouts Endlessly into the Eternal Void



Alright, I had to get that out of my system.


Herein marks the end of the second draft. (Mostly. I really want to pan through the last fight scene because I wasn’t happy with it, but I am also reaching that point where I reeeeeally need to stop touching things before I set everything on fire.)

It is now safely in the hands of my Beta readers, and then it will be shipped off to the editor for one final chopping session.

After that, I will be scraping together the rest of the funds of the publishing costs, such as the ISBN, Copyright registration, and formatting. WHOOOOOO PAPERWORK!!!

Take a break, you say? BAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! No. That is not how Odin functions. Now I am kicked into the pit of the holiday rush (despite not being an active participant) and I am already contemplating the second book.


COVER ARTIST ACHIEVED!!!!!!!! I have commissioned the lovely individual RinRinDaishi from DeviantArt, and I have just received concepts, and I can’t even. You guys. MY HEART CANNOT HANDLE THIS SHIT RIGHT NOW.

Check out their work! DOIT!!!

Once everything is finalized, I will be posting a cover art reveal, so be sure you are subscribed to newsletters for updates. (The salty thing over on the sidebar)

And you will want to be sure you are subscribed, because you will get access to the WHOLE FIRST CHAPTER to download for your viewing pleasure on the Welcome Email. If you are already subscribed, I just sent off an update email with the link attached. (Be patient, it’s kinda slow. Or check your Spam folder. I like Spam and I often end up there.)

That’s about all I got for now. It has been a roller coaster…or, well, maybe a ski jump. I think that is more accurate. I want to thank everyone who has supported me on this adventure, and I hope my salt has not totally sogged the spirits.

Enjoy your holidays, if you celebrate. And if not, have a chill winter season.

Until Next Time!


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